dimarts, 10 de maig del 2016

2016 Keelung International Marine Art Project Finalists

Jane Ingram Allen, Curator of the Keelung International Marine Environmental Art Project, is happy to announce the selected artists for the second year of this eco-art project at the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology in Keelung, Taiwan.

These 7 artists, 6 foreigners and 1 Taiwanese, were selected from 165 applications by artists from 49 different countries.  The applications were reviewed by Allen and finalists selected for this 25-day residency in Taiwan to create site-specific environmental artworks that fit the theme for 2016 “Envisioning the Future of Our Oceans”.  Since this is an environmental art project the selected works will be created with recycled and natural materials found in Keelung and exhibited for 6 months or more at selected outdoor sites around the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, in Keelung City at the fishing village of Badouzi on the northeast coast of Taiwan.